Severe Weather
Stay informed about weather conditions by monitoring local news, radio, or official sources like the National Weather Service and FEMA. It is recommended to sign up for weather alerts and updates via your mobile device or email.
Tornado warnings typically indicate an imminent threat, and occupants should take shelter in safe areas within the building. In the event of a tornado warning at the Yorktown Medical Center, please proceed to the designated shelter-in-place locations, which are the interior stairwells. It is recommended that all employees are familiar with this tornado policy and have participated in tornado drill exercises to know the location of shelter-in-place areas and evacuation routes.
If you experience any storm-related damage or issues within your unit, please report it to the property management team immediately so that we can address any necessary repairs promptly.
In extreme cases where weather conditions pose a significant safety risk, we may temporarily close the building for the safety of occupants. During severe winter storms, heavy snowfall, ice accumulation, and freezing temperatures can make buildings unsafe. If heating systems fail or if there is a risk of freezing pipes or ice-related hazards, closing the building may be necessary. Closure notifications will be sent via the Tenant Center.